Safeguarding & Prevent - Northern School of Contemporary Dance
  • Safeguarding at NSCD

Safeguarding & Prevent

At the Northern School of Contemporary Dance (NSCD), the safety and wellbeing of all individuals interacting with our institution are paramount. This page provides an overview of our safeguarding responsibilities and how we uphold the Prevent Duty as part of our commitment to maintaining a safe and inclusive environment.

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding is the practice of protecting vulnerable children and adults from harm. At NSCD, we acknowledge our duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults at risk. We are dedicated to ensuring that our safeguarding practices:

  • Reflect statutory responsibilities.
  • Align with government guidance.
  • Comply with best practices in the sector.

Our approach ensures that every individual feels safe and supported within the NSCD community.

What is Prevent?

As part of our safeguarding responsibilities, NSCD adheres to Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, which mandates that we have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.” This obligation is known as the Prevent Duty.

Prevent Legislation

The Prevent Duty is part of the UK government’s broader counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST, which has four key strands:

  1. Pursue – Detect, investigate, and disrupt terrorist threats to the UK and its interests.
  2. Protect – Reduce the vulnerability of the UK to terrorist attacks.
  3. Prepare – Minimise the impact of attacks and manage effective recovery.
  4. Prevent – Stop individuals from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

Under the Prevent strategy, there are three specific objectives:

  • Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism.
  • Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism by providing advice and support.
  • Address risks of radicalisation in various sectors and institutions.

Freedom of Expression and Academic Freedom

NSCD is committed to promoting and facilitating freedom of speech and academic freedom. Under Section 31 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act, we ensure that these freedoms are upheld while meeting our statutory duties. This balance is monitored by the Office for Students, which provides a comprehensive framework for compliance.

What We Do at NSCD

NSCD takes a proactive and holistic approach to safeguarding and Prevent. Key initiatives include:

  • Leadership Oversight: Regular monitoring and evaluation of safeguarding practices through the Safeguarding & Prevent Committee, reporting to the Academic Board and Board of Governors.
  • Training & Development:
    • Annual budgets are allocated for training our Safeguarding Lead and Officers.
    • All staff and full-time students receive Prevent and safeguarding training via online modules (TES Educate) and in-person sessions (Leeds City Council Prevent Team).
  • Collaborative Partnerships: Working with local safeguarding boards, Leeds City Council Prevent Team, and policing units to ensure effective practices.
  • Policies and Procedures: Clear guidance on external speakers, online safety, and acceptable IT use.
  • Welfare & Wellbeing: Robust pastoral support integrated into our student health and wellbeing services.
  • Information Sharing: Sharing information responsibly, where legally appropriate, to protect at-risk individuals.

Support and Referrals

If an individual is identified as being at risk of radicalisation, NSCD follows established procedures, including referrals to the Channel and Prevent Multi-Agency Panel (PMAP) for appropriate support.

Reporting a concern

If you are worried about yourself or someone you know at NSCD please contact a member of our dedicated Safeguarding Team, by phone on 0113 2193006 or email

Safeguarding Lead – Tracy Witney (Head of Learning & Participation)

Safeguarding Officers

  • Matthew Slater – Head of Undergraduate Studies
  • Hannah Perry – Head of Academic Registry
  • Ali Coleman – Student Support and Wellbeing Manager
  • Azzurra Ardovini – Lecturer in Technique & Performance Practice
  • Eric Assandri – Lecturer in Technique & Performance Practice

NSCD Documents

NSCD Safeguarding Policy

NSCD Safeguarding Flowchart

NSCD Prevent Strategy

NSCD works in partnership with the Prevent Regional Coordinator (North East) as part of the Due Diligence & Counter Extremism Division of the Department of Education

Library of Resources: Safeguarding & Prevent

1. Statutory Guidance and Legislation

  • Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015
    Overview of Section 26 on Prevent Duty and its implications for educational institutions.
    Read the Full Act
    Key section: Section 26 – Duty to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.
  • Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales
    Detailed guidance on implementing the Prevent Duty within education settings.

2. Prevent Strategy and Objectives

  • The Prevent Strategy
    The 2015 Prevent strategy document outlining the government’s approach to preventing radicalisation.
    Read the Prevent Strategy
    Key focus: Countering the ideological threat of terrorism.
  • CONTEST: The UK’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy
    An overview of the UK’s broader counter-terrorism strategy, including all four strands: Pursue, Protect, Prepare, and Prevent.
    Learn More about CONTEST

3. Training and Development Materials

  • Leeds City Council Prevent Team Training
    In-person training sessions provided by the Leeds City Council Prevent Team for staff.
    Visit Leeds City Council Prevent

4. Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom

  • Freedom of Expression in Universities (Section 31 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act)
    Guidelines for ensuring that the Prevent Duty does not interfere with academic freedom.
    Read the Guidelines
  • Office for Students Monitoring Framework
    Framework for monitoring universities’ compliance with the Prevent Duty, ensuring that academic freedom is preserved.
    View the Framework

5. Local Safeguarding Partnerships

  • Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP)
    Local safeguarding protocols for children and young adults in Leeds.
    Visit LSCP
  • West Yorkshire Police Prevent Team
    Local law enforcement’s Prevent team, providing support and guidance for educational institutions.
    Learn More 
  • Leeds Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB)
    Safeguarding adults is about people and services working together to help and protect people over 18 in Leeds
    Visit LSCP

6. Referral Procedures and Support

  • Channel Referral Process
    Information on the referral process for individuals identified as being at risk of radicalisation, including how to refer to the Channel Panel.
    Learn More about Channel Referrals
  • Prevent Multi-Agency Panel (PMAP)
    Overview of the panel that provides tailored support to individuals at risk.
    More on PMAP

7. Pastoral and Welfare Support

  • NSCD Student Health & Wellbeing Provision
    Our commitment to offering welfare support for students, including services for mental health and wellbeing.
    Read More about Wellbeing Services