Databases & OpenAthens - Northern School of Contemporary Dance

Library & Archive

Keeping you up to date with our resources & collections

Databases & OpenAthens

A variety of subscription databases are available online for use by NSCD students & staff.

If you are on-site you can access these resources directly on any networked NSCD computer via the links below, without a username or password.

To access these resources off-site you need to set up an OpenAthens account.

OpenAthens is an access management platform which provides a single gateway to e-resources subscribed to by NSCD on behalf of all students & staff.

You can log onto OpenAthens using your school email address & password.


Subscription databases available on site & via the NSCD OpenAthens gateway include:

If you are off-site or on a mobile device you can access these resources by logging into OpenAthens with your NSCD email & password. Simply follow the links if you are on the school computer network, you’ll be automatically recognised & logged in…


Cambridge Core | TDR : The Drama Review

You can access issues of TDR : The Drama Review published from 2020 onwards via the Cambridge Core platform. There is also a range of open access content available on the platform.

On-site access

You can access Cambridge Core from any networked NSCD computer, simply:

  • select the access button below
  • or log onto a library computer & navigate to Cambridge Core

Off-site access

  • select the OpenAthens access button below & select ‘Northern School of Contemporary Dance’ from the institutional list. Log in with your NSCD email address & password & select ‘Cambridge Core’ from the resource list or…
  • navigate to Cambridge Core, select ‘login via shibboleth/Athens’ & log in using your NSCD email & password
OpenAthens Cambridge Core

Digital Theatre+

On-site access

You can access Digital Theatre+ from any networked NSCD computer or when logged into our wifi without needing to log into the platform each time, simply:

  • select the onsite access button below or log onto a library computer & navigate to Digital Theatre+

Off-site access

  • Navigate to Digital Theatre+
  • select the log on option & enter your NSCD email address,
  • then select ‘Northern School of Contemporary Dance’ from the drop down menu
  • you’ll then be prompted to complete your log on via Microsoft 365

You can also access the platform via OpenAthens using your NSCD email & password

Founded in 2009, Digital Theatre+ provides access to 600+ theatre productions & educational resources.

Please note | The core features of DT+ work on i0s 13, if you are running i0s 12 or lower video & PDF functionality will be restricted. From 06 December 2022 older versions of Google Chrome will no longer support video streaming on Digital Theatre+, please ensure you are running the latest version to stream footage on the platform.

OpenAthens Digital Theatre+ | Onsite Access


By accessing the IngentaConnect platform on any NSCD networked computer or from home via OpenAthens you can browse issues of journals we subscribe to on your behalf, as well as view & print full text articles. You can find out more about the available titles in the ejournals section.

On-site access

You can access IngentaConnect from any networked NSCD computer without needing to log in to the platform each time, simply:

  • select the onsite access button below
  • or log onto a library computer & navigate to IngentaConnect

Off-site access

  • log on to OpenAthens then select IngentaConnect from the resource list or…
  • navigate to IngentaConnect, select the ‘login with shibboleth/OpenAthen’ option & enter your NSCD email address & password
OpenAthens IngentaConnect | Onsite Access

Intellect Discover

By accessing the intellect Discover platform on any NSCD networked computer or from home via OpenAthens you can browse issues of journals & ebooks we subscribe to on your behalf, as well as view & print full text articles/chapters. You can find out more about the available titles in the ejournals & ebooks sections.

On-site access

You can access Intellect Discover from any networked NSCD computer without needing to log in to the platform each time, simply:

  • select the onsite access button below
  • or log onto a library computer & navigate to Intellect Discover

Off-site access

  • log on to OpenAthens then select Intellect Discover from the resource list or…
  • navigate to Intellect Discover, select the ‘My Profile’ icon at the top of the page, select ‘login via institution’ then using Option 2 ‘sign in with OpenAthens’ select ‘Northern School of Contemporary Dance’ from the dropdown & enter your NSCD email address & password when prompted
OpenAthens Intellect Discover | Onsite Access


The IBTD Full Text database is a research tool for theatre & dance studies. It is a comprehensive index of the the major performing arts journal titles containing a wide range of full text content.

On-site access

You can access IBTD from any networked NSCD computer without needing to log in to the platform each time, simply:

  • select the onsite access button below
  • or log onto a library computer & navigate to IBTD

Off-site access

  • log on to OpenAthens then select IBTD from the resource list
OpenAthens IBTD | Onsite Access

MIT | TDR : The Drama Review

You can access back issues of TDR : The Drama Review published between 2009 & 2020 via the MIT platform.

On-site access

You can access the MIT platform from any networked NSCD computer, simply:

  • select the access button below
  • or log onto a library computer & navigate to MIT

Off-site access

  • select the OpenAthens access button below & select ‘Northern School of Contemporary Dance’ from the institutional list. Log in with your NSCD email address & password & select ‘MIT’ from the resource list or…
  • navigate to MIT , select ‘login’ & then ‘login via institution’, select ‘Northern School of Contemporary Dance’ from the institutional list & log in using your NSCD email & password
MIT | Onsite Access OpenAthens

Taylor & Francis eBooks

By accessing the Taylor & Francis ebook platform on any NSCD networked computer or from home via OpenAthens you can browse a range of ebook titles we have purchased on your behalf, as well as view a range of open access content on the platform. You can find out more about the available title in the ebooks section.

On-site access

Off-site access

  • log on to OpenAthens then select Taylor & Francis ebooks from the resource list or…
  • navigate to Taylor & Francis ebooks , click on the ‘login’ icon, selct ‘with shibboleth or OpenAthens’ then select ‘Northern School of Contemporary Dance’ from the dropdown list. Log on with your NSCD username & password (your email address & password)


OpenAthens Taylor & Francis eBooks | Onsite Access

Taylor & Francis eJournals

By accessing  the Taylor & Francis eJournals platform on any NSCD networked computer or from home via OpenAthens you can browse issues of journals we subscribe to on your behalf, as well as view & print full taxt articles. You can find our more about the available titles in the ejournals section.

On-site access

You can access Taylor & Francis eJournals from any networked NSCD computer without needeing to log in each time, simply:

Off-site access

  • log onto OpenAthens then select Taylor & Francis eJournals from the resource list or…
  • navigate to Taylor & Francis eJournals, click on the login button & select ‘access through your institution’, select ‘login with OpenAthens’ & then select ‘Northern School of Contemporary Dance’ from the institution list on the OpenAthens log in page. Use your NSCD email address & password
OpenAthens Taylor & Francis eJournals | Onsite Access


By accessing the VLeBooks platform on any NSCD networked computer or from home via OpenAthens you can browse a range of ebook titles we have purchased on your behalf, as well as view a range of open access content on the platform. You can find out more about the available title in the ebooks section.

On-site access

If you are using an NSCD computer, you can view ebooks directly by clicking on the book title links in the ebook section of the website or on the library catalogue. If you are prompted for a log in, select the ‘OpenAthens login’ option for VLeBooks, then enter your NSCD login credentials (the one you use for school email account).

Off-site access

  • Log into OpenAthens then select VLeBooks from the resource list or…
  • Navigate to the VLeBooks site, click on the ‘OpenAthens’ option, select ‘Northern School of Contemporary Dance’ from the dropdown, then enter your NSCD OpenAthens username/password (your school log on)
VLeBooks | Onsite Access OpenAthens