NSCD secures National Portfolio Organisation status 2023-26 | Northern School of Contemporary Dance


Tuesday 8th November 2022, 4:44pm NSCD secures National Portfolio Organisation status 2023-26


We are thrilled to share news that NSCD will remain a National Portfolio Organisation of Arts Council England for the next three years.

This represents our second successful bid, following NSCD's first entry into the Portfolio in 2018. Sustained regular funding will enable us to build on the work of the last 4 years and enable us to deliver and support Arts Council England's Let's Create strategy. This includes a programme of high quality events for our local community and regional dance audiences to enjoy at our venue Riley Theatre, professional development opportunities for emerging artists working in the North and a strategic programme of activity to support the Children and Young People's Dance Network North.

We would like to extend our congratulations to the other 989 organisations who were successful this round, including four companies led by NSCD alumni who entered the portfolio for the first time. However we recognise this was a highly competitive process and that some organisations received difficult and disappointing news. We remain committed working in collaboration to build a stronger sector together.