"Dance is what brings me down to earth and what makes me feel. It allows me to express my true self and no one is able to take that away from me. I do feel very vulnerable, but I embrace it, letting my flesh and my whole body speak for me."
Born in France, Leelou started dancing at the age of 4. She moved to Belgium and began training multiple styles at Danses & Cie. In 2019, she joined the CertHE course at NSCD, before joining the BA, where she recently graduated with a First Class Honours degree.
During her time at NSCD, she performed works by Gracefool Collective, Fernanda Prata, Joseph Mercier, Imogen Reeve and Vidya Patel. She is grateful for the tools she has gained during her journey and is looking forward to using them to continue to develop her interest in improvisation. Leelou is also excited to meet more like-minded artists, which is one of her biggest sources of inspiration.