Northern School of Contemporary Dance has five main strands of financial assistance for our students in 2024/25:
The table indicates who is eligible for each strand of financial assistance 2024/25:
UG – Undergraduate student
PG – Postgraduate student
* Information on financial assistance 2025/26, including the application process will be available in early May 2025.
Who is eligible?
Home fee-paying undergraduate students who are new to HE with a household income below £42,875*.
How to apply
NSCD will be able to access your household income via the Student Loans Company if you have been means-tested for a maintenance loan and you have clicked that you ‘consent to share’ your information. If we are unable to access the information we require, we will get in touch with each student on an individual basis to let them know what they need to do next.
Between £500 – £1,000 – dependent on household income:
Bursary type
Cash bursary
* Household income in all cases is based on income of parents unless the student is meets the independent student test see link:
Students can apply for a fee waiver of up to £3,000 which is based on household income. If you would like to be considered for a fee waiver either before or after you accept your offer, please email the following information to We will then inform you if we are able to offer a bursary and, if so, what amount.
Required information:
The table below indicates the level of a Fee Waiver that may be given dependent on household income:
NSCD undergraduate students who are accepted on any MA Performance Course (VERVE/PPS/IDP) will be offered an additional fee waiver of £500 from their MA Course fees.
* Household income in all cases is based on income of parents unless the student is meets the independent student test see link:
Who is eligible?
Home fee-paying undergraduate students who meet the definition of a care leaver or estranged student
How to apply
Self-identify as a care leaver or estranged student and then a formal assessment will take place through NSCD
£1,000 per year for each year of training.
Bursary type
Cash bursary
Further Information
Student Loans Company information:
Who is eligible?
All students who qualify as having one of the following legal statuses:
How to apply
Disclose status at application or any later stage and then a formal assessment will take place through NSCD.
£1,000 per year for each year of training.
Bursary type
Cash bursary
Further Information
Student Action for Refugees
The Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding Online is all about alternative sources of funding – especially charities – which can make awards (fees, maintenance, research costs) to any student regardless of subject, or nationality.
The Alternative Guide Online contains a huge database of funding opportunities, comprehensive guidance, and numerous tools to help you prepare a winning grant application. Northern School has purchased a licence to the Guide, and so it’s free for all students and staff to use. You can log on using your NSCD email address by visiting:
If you are due to start as a student at NSCD and would like to access this resource you can contact us for a pin number which will allow you access. Please contact
Who is eligible?
Students from groups currently underrepresented in higher education, including those who have a disability, are from areas of multiple deprivation, are care-leavers, or those from under-represented ethnic groups.
How to apply
To apply for these funds, students need to complete the Financial Assistance application form.
£1,000 per year for each year of training.
Generous support from Kathleen Tattersall, former Chair of the Board of Governors at NSCD, has made it possible to give out up to £1,000 bursary per year which is awarded once students are on a course of study.
For further information, please contact