NSCD Student Charter | Northern School of Contemporary Dance

NSCD Student Charter

To encourage and shape student success, NSCD has agreed the following summary of commitments which have been agreed in consultation with key staff and student representatives.

The Student Charter represents important information surrounding Student Academic Rights and Expectations of Behaviour. It is reviewed regularly and signed off by the Chief Executive and Executive Leadership team in consultation with the student body.

It also provides summary and links to key student facing policies and procedures. NSCD expects and requires students to conduct themselves in a manner that is reasonable and proper, both on-site and in the wider community.  Nearly all NSCD students study on-site except when working with external organisations on placement as part of their programme of study. Professional conduct, self-respect and respect for others and school resources are essential to the function of our artistic and academic community.  NSCD will take appropriate action where there has been a breach of its policies or regulations, in relation to student conduct.  All students and staff are expected to follow the spirit of our student charter (subject to reasonable adjustments relating to individuals).

NSCD aspires to undertake to:

  • have employees who positively demonstrate high standards of professional conduct in all avenues of their work and in their representation of the organisation, beyond the walls of the institution.
  • treat all our student body as full members of our School community, recognising its diversity and equality of opportunity for all, treating students with respect and professionalism.
  • work in partnership with students as co-authors in a positive journey that will shape their higher education experience.

NSCD will provide:

  • exceptionally high standards of conservatoire level teaching and learning activities that will develop artistic practice as well as graduate skills, research and artistic scholarly practice
  • support, advice and guidance in order that students can make the right choices and do this in a comfortable and supportive environment
  • encourage students to become the very best that they can through enhancement of their personal and professional development to enable them to become employment ready
  • access to a professional services team who will provide services for advice on health and wellbeing, injury support and bodywork supervision, accommodation, finance and careers
  • an optional bespoke support package for students with learning support needs in their academic work, with exceptional systems in place for screening, disclosure and a programme of continued support both face to face and online.
  • optional support for students where English is not their first language, with access to an English support tutor and programme of continued support both face to face and online.
  • access to the very best dance library, archive and IT facilities
  • support for student election of representatives and encourage student consultation and participation in academic and programme development.

NSCD undertakes to provide students with the following information about their programme of study, its delivery and the future:

  • published programme fee costs, fee payment options, amounts and deadlines, and will identify where appropriate additional costs
  • A course fact file, student handbook and module guides which outline professional expectations, contact hours, attendance expectations, mode of course delivery,
  • An assessment overview document which has as part of its content assessment criteria, assessment arrangements and regulations, academic guidance and support, and appeals and complaints procedures, clear deadlines and clarity about our 20 day feedback policy on submitted work
  • appropriate periods of notice for planned changes to the timetable and curriculum and communication processes for sharing this information.

Learning Culture


At Northern School of Contemporary Dance we work to create an inclusive environment in which all students are able to develop as individual dance artists, supported by their peers and tutors. We are a diverse group of people coming together from many different cultures. We have diverse life experiences and many different ideas about dance, education and life. We believe our differences
should be celebrated and that they enrich the experience of training here and we also recognise entering a new learning culture can be challenging. Therefore we ask students to:

  • work with patience and generosity of spirit to create a positive learning environment for all
  • take the time to get to know your classmates, and staff across all areas of the School, to better understand their point of view
  • be supportive of peers, tutors, guests and staff across all areas of the School
  • consider the importance of learning to work both as an individual and in collaboration as a member of a team
  • recognise the value of approaching all your classes with curiosity and an open mind
  • be aware of the need for reflection and independent study in taking responsibility for your own learning
  • be prepared to take on new ideas and ‘let go’ of previously formed habitual thought and movement patterns
  • commit to working through the resources prepared to support and enhance your practice i.e. reading and resource lists
  • be aware that dealing with new ideas can feel confusing and overwhelming. This discomfort is often a natural part of learning
  • be aware that it is brave and sensible to seek support when you face challenges
  • work mindfully in relation to safe practice, what is right for your body, and your preferences
  • be aware of the need for consistency of approach in order to see progress
  • seek to recognise your strengths and weaknesses and apply this knowledge in setting targets for improvement.

Once you join the School you are expected to share the responsibility for creating an environment in which everyone can learn and enjoy the academic and social life of the School.  In order to achieve this aim all students at Northern School of Contemporary Dance sign up to the Codes of Practice available to view: https://www.nscd.ac.uk/policies-and-procedures/