Anna Cabre Verdiell Bosch - Northern School of Contemporary Dance



Educational Background and Expertise Supporting Curriculum Development

Anna grew up in Barcelona where her dance training began at Institut del Teatre conservatoire. Alongside performance, her interest in communication expanded into academia obtaining a degree in journalism at Ramón Llull University. She moved to Leeds in 2013 and graduated from NSCD with a First Class Bachelors Degree with Honours. Continuing with her professional development, she has recently been successful in her application to undertake the MA Dance Teaching & Facilitating at NSCD from September 2024.

As an educator, Anna facilitates ballet and contemporary techniques as well as physical-theatre to a wide range of ages and abilities. She joined Leeds Conservatoire’s faculty in 2023 as a lecturer in their musical theatre undergraduate and masters courses, and prior to that was a lecturer and Leeds Beckett University for the academic course of 2021-22. Through her teaching journey, Anna has been involved with NSCD’s pedagogic mission as a guest lecturer, a core tutor under their CAT Programme and delivering outreach activities through their learning and participations department, and has recently joined NSCD’s faculty as a part-time lecturer. During her time in Leeds she has also facilitated sessions for Northern Ballet Academy, DeNada Dance Theatre, Dark Horse, ProDanceLeeds and Dance Studio Leeds to name a few. Furthermore, between 2020-22 Anna was one of four directors of ProDanceLeeds, an artist led project running classes for independent dance professionals in the city.

As a creator, Anna is particularly interested in collaborative and inter-disciplinary work, having devised projects with actors, musicians, filmmakers, composers, singers and community participants, creating works in dance-theatre, musical theatre, cabaret, opera and immersive performance.

Anna co-directs ACCA Dance Theatre with colleague Charlotte Arnold, and has been a performer with the company since its creation in 2020. Led by two female-identifying creatives, ACCA’s work champions and celebrates femininity, drawing on character work, comedy and choreography to comment on contemporary society. ACCA is resident company at Slung Low and is currently nationally touring their show Occupational Hazardreceiving a four start review from The Stage during their run at The Edinburgh Fringe. On an international front, ACCA has an ongoing collaboration with Germany based company Vier.D and is on the look out to keep finding ways to navigate the post-Brexit limitations for performers.

Seeking ways to combine her interests in language and dance, Anna was selected to review The Place’s Resolution Festival 2016 under its dance writer mentoring programme, where she was mentored by prestigious dance critics Donald Hutera and Catherine Love. In 2019, Anna joined the online site as a dance writer, expanding into other journalistic formats and having the privilege to interview dance personalities such as Germán Jauregui, Daniel Mariblanca, Sadé Alleyne and Shamel Pitts amongst many others. Taking a step further on her quest to combine arts & journalism, Anna co-created Artychoke Magazine in 2020, a socially engaged online publication devoted to the arts as a means of & for resistance. The project run for over three years unfunded, and showcased the work of over sixty artists and artistic collectives from around the globe who contributed to the magazine purely for the arts sake.

Supporting Students Pastoral Care

  • Attendance at Student Review Board.
  • Regular student tutorials to stay connected and in conversation with students about their progress and development.